таки да.
Друзья, а какая бесседа/-ы (между сопартийцами) вам больше всего понравилась? х))
если не помните по памяти - есть викиа, на крайняк.
Varric: So what do you do in that gigantic house all day?
Fenris: Dance, of course
Varric: Really?
Fenris: I run from room to room, choreographing routines.
Varric: Huh, you're actually joking! Alert the Chantry! They need to put this on the calendar.
Fenris: And you thought I was always serious.
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если не помните по памяти - есть викиа, на крайняк.
Varric: So what do you do in that gigantic house all day?
Fenris: Dance, of course
Varric: Really?
Fenris: I run from room to room, choreographing routines.
Varric: Huh, you're actually joking! Alert the Chantry! They need to put this on the calendar.
Fenris: And you thought I was always serious.
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Варик: А ты и правда похож на Хоука-старшего.
Карвер: Естественно, она ведь моя сестра.
Варрик: Нет, я имел в виду Гамлена.
Карвер: Я тебя ненавижу!
Варрик: Так ты всё-таки решила посетить сады наместника?
Мерриль: Да! Там так красиво и просторно... И почему люди туда не ходят?
Варрик: Может потому, что это охраняемая частная собственность?
Мерриль: А я-то думала, почему те вооруженные люди так недружелюбно смотрели на меня.
+ их же беседа про прогулки в Нижнем городе и веревку.
и вообще, плюс все диалоги с участием Варрикаialogue" target=_blank>тут, а там уже и глядишь с кем именно в паре (:
я могу ошибаться, но чесн пионерское, наверное всё-таки нет таких людей, чтобы Варрика не любили XD
Fenris: Not this again.
Isabella: I heard that tevinter slaves are kept oiled so they glisten. Did your master oil you up? Did you glisten for him?
Fenris: I was his bodyguard.
Isabella: Always at hand. Always within reach. Glistening.
Fenris: You have an entire story written in your head already, don't you?
Isabella: Mmm
Carver: You know Fenris, I have a tattoo.
Fenris: You have a what?
Carver: A tattoo. A lot of us got them before Ostagar. It's a mabari, for strength.
Fenris: Does it curse you with the ability to reach into a man and tear out his insides?
Carver: Uh, I can make it bark.
Fenris: Please don't.
Varric: I second that.
Hawke: (Sighs)
Anders: I can't imagine what Hawke sees in you.
Fenris: It is done. Leave it be.
Anders: Well, good. I always knew she/he had some sense.
Fenris: Do not make light of this. Leaving was the hardest thing I've ever done.
Isabela: Oh, will you two get over yourselves? You're like two dogs around a bitch in heat
Fenris: We were talking about Hawke. Not you.
Isabela: I enjoy a man with markings like that.
Fenris: You've enjoyed many, I suspect.
Isabela: Where I come from, they're called "tattoos." Sailors get them all the time.
Fenris: Not made of lyrium, I'd imagine.
Isabela: Not a one. And the pictures are different—usually breasts.
Fenris: I suppose a pair of lyrium breasts tattooed onto my chest would make things better.
Isabela: That's me. I'm a helper.
Anders: You can stop yelling. It's always me.
Isabela: Oh, good. I didn't want to talk to that other guy. You know, the stick-in-the-mud.
Anders: He can still hear you. Justice and I are one. Anyway, you wanted to talk to me?
Isabela: Not really, I just wanted to make sure it was you.
Anders: I keep thinking I know you from somewhere.
Isabela: You're Ferelden, right? Ever spend time at the Pearl?
Anders: That's it! You used to really like that girl with the griffon tattoos, right? What was her name?
Isabela: The lay warden?
Anders: That's right! I think you were there the night that I...
Isabela: Oh! Were you the runaway mage who could do that electricity thing? That was nice!
Hawke: Please stop talking. Now.
Хоук - Андерс:
- я думал, серый страж - это навсегда.
- если хорошо спрятаться, можно не носить униформу и не ходить на их вечеринки
Isabela: I enjoy a man with markings like that.
Fenris: You've enjoyed many, I suspect.
Isabela: Where I come from, they're called "tattoos." Sailors get them all the time.
Fenris: Not made of lyrium, I'd imagine.
Isabela: Not a one. And the pictures are different—usually breasts.
Fenris: I suppose a pair of lyrium breasts tattooed onto my chest would make things better.
Isabela: That's me. I'm a helper.
Varric: So, the Knight-Commander... Boiling in oil? That one never gets old.
Anders: This is past time for joking.
Varric: I'm helping you indulge in elaborate revenge fantasies. I think it's good for you.
Anders: Meredith will die. Do not doubt that.
Varric: Oh, go away, Justice. Can Anders come out and play?
Anders: Stop.
Varric: You are no fun anymore.
Где Меррил говорит Фенрису, что он влюблен.
Ну и почти все разговоры с Варриком))
Если мадам Хоук заромансила Фенриса:
Varric: So...you and Hawke?
Fenris: What about us?
Varric: Want to make sure I get all the details right when I tell the story. Did you sweep her off her feet or was it the other way around?
Fenris: I'm not telling you anything but this: There was no actual sweeping involved.
Varric: Every little bit helps, elf.
Если мусье Хоук заромансил Фенриса:
Varric: So...you and Hawke?
Fenris: What about us?
Varric: Want to make sure I get all the details right when I tell the story. Did he sweep you off your feet? I'm assuming he did the sweeping. He's taller than you. Awkward, otherwise.
Fenris: I'm not telling you anything but this: There was no actual sweeping involved.
Varric: Every little bit helps, elf.
я могу ошибаться, но чесн пионерское, наверное всё-таки нет таких людей, чтобы Варрика не любили XD
А за что его не любить-то?
Ещё вспомнила (примерно):
Фенрис: Тебя что, вообще не волнуют храмовники и маги?
Варрик: А, этих типов в юбках столько, что я их путаю.
Фенрис: И своего мнения у тебя по этому поводу нет?
Варрик: Знаешь, мнения - это как яйца... Сколько бы ты их не имел, всё равно больно, когда по ним бьют.
Фенрис: Весомо.
Anders: What of it?
Fenris: Be good to him/her. Break his/her heart, and I will kill you.
И: Я видела тебя в "Цветущей розе" как-то ночью.
К: Что? Не могла ты там меня видеть.
И: Значит, кто-то переоделся тобой, чтобы охмурить Веру...
Х: (Смеется) Вот уж вранье. Она в тот день даже не работала.
И: М-м-м. Вот ты и попался.
В: Ого! Чистая победа!
К: Ты просто...это не то, что я...проклятье!
И еще был разговор, между Изабелой и Карвером, когда он говорит, что она еще увидит какие у него длинные клыки)))
Изабелла особенно отличилась
- Come to me and I'll take you to places you've never been...
- Isabela... Are you talking to Bianca?
- I think she deserves to feel a woman's touch on her trigger, don't you?
- Bianca respends to my touch. She'd never give it up for you.
- That's what they always say, and I always prove them wrong.
- Stop it. You're confusing her. And me.
Я думала, он говорит о том, чтобы съесть ее... А какой второй? О__О